Teny iditra (1/2) | 1 Rakoto |
Sokajin-teny | 2 anaran-tsamirery (olona) |
Voambolana |
3 Tantara: olona |
Anaran' olona |
Tsanganana sy sary iray takila |
5 Fitanisana |
Teny iditra (2/2) | 6 Rakoto |
Sokajin-teny | 7 anaram-bosotra |
Fanazavàna teny anglisy |
8 nickname given by the Malagasy soldiers to the US soldiers in Europe during the Second World War [3.1] |
Fanazavàna teny frantsay |
9 sobriquet donné par les soldats malgaches aux soldats anglais en Europe durant la seconde guerre mondiale [3.1] |
Tsanganana sy sary iray takila |
10 Anaram-bosotra |
Fivaditsoratra | 11 kotrao, Rakoto, toroka |
Nohavaozina tamin' ny 2022/06/11 |